
I guess I'm glad I don't rely on my writing to pay the bills.  The past several months I have had little desire to create stories.  I'm sure it's happened before, but until I decided to start getting more serious about this writing life it never mattered.

I have plenty of stories at the ready in my head that I could work on, but when I lay down in my bed lately, which is where I do most of my composition, nothing comes to the fore.

Last week I had my godson, goddaughter, and her boyfriend out for a visit from Idaho.  I had never met the boyfriend before and it had been several years since I'd seen my godchildren.  We had a great visit.  We did several fun things, including going to Chicago, one of my favorite places in the whole world.  Do to a mishap in timing I ended up going with them to Indiana to spend part of Saturday with the boyfriend's family.  I am, by nature, an observer, so spending several hours with some wonderful people that I'd never met before and will probably never interact with ever again, turned the heat up on the simmering pots of stories on the multiple back burners of my brain.

While I still have not yet started writing again, I can feel the bubbles rolling.  I have some new flavors to try, some new seasoning to sprinkle into the mix.  I have a new setting that I probably would never have experienced; a new family dynamic to experiment with.  Where or even if they will end up in a finished product has yet to be seen, but it feels good to have something new to work with.

So even if things aren't going according to your plans, if something happens to muck up what you were doing, be thankful.  Inspiration is everywhere.


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